
The first 10K NFT series that is both algorithmically generated and custom 1-of-1 at the same time. Join our community by claiming a free NFT and color by numbers…outside the lines ;)


The New Way

  • web3 is the next evolution of the internet. In previous incarnations, ie. web2, platforms own your data; every interaction and even your account is owned by the powers that be. In a web3 world, you own both your share of the platform itself and your data. Power to the people.

  • Communities in web3 are brought to life through NFTs. Primarily via large NFT collections, each with a consistent theme or brand. All those who own the pieces of art in a collection make up that particular online community. NFTs have utilities beyond art…

  • But NFTs serve many functions, art is just one part. For instance, if you own an NFT, you can be verified and given exclusive access to pretty much anything - events, discounts, token airdrops, etc. Think of an NFT as a key to a walled garden, and there’s a really dope party inside.

  • A typical community in this web3 world is based around what are called 10K Profile Picture (PFP) art collections. Each art piece has properties given at random upon creation (aka “mint”) - this gives your NFT it’s collectibility. The properties are expressed in the visual features embedded in the art. So, your cartoon monkey may be super rare because it has laser eyes and therefore is considered more valuable than another cartoon monkey with regular eyes.

  • So, how do the founders of a project create 10,000 unique pieces? Wouldn’t that take a long time to create so much art? That’s where the tech comes in. Each art piece is generated from a large bucket of possible layers at random. Like LEGOs, an impartial algorithm decides whether your piece has one property or another, and then assembles your art from all the available layers to produce a final piece that reflects those properties.

  • Our project takes this to another level. Instead of producing the art from previously-made layers for a computer algorithm to assemble en masse, we’re having the algorithm output just the recipe for the layers. Then we’re letting artists like you produce the art based on that recipe. Images are intentionally left out for the artists to interpret. So each piece is tied to the collection through a universe of the same properties, but the art itself is subject to as much variance as there are artists.

How the Angel NFTs are made…


//Come musicians, come painters. Come digital compositors, metalworkers, Photoshoppers and dancers.//

//Oh come, all ye who create.//

//We are restoring balance by throning artists as the kings and queens they truly are.//



Create your own (1•of•1)•of•10,000 Angel_Throne

\ Mint your NFT for free

At first, this NFT is simply a list of generative properties - a “recipe” for your art.

\\ Express yourself

Set to work to create the art for your NFT, depicting the listed properties. Each piece will prompt you to portray an Angel_Throne.

\\\ Upload your art

Submit your art in the Discord within 3 months for final verification. Sit back in your throne and receive. 

What will you receive?

  • Entrance to exclusive community events and workshops that will blow your crown chakra.

  • A key to creation studios and artist lofts across the globe, so you have the space to do your art wherever you are.

  • Collaborations with the community to create whatever we want at scale, including other NFT series, as well as other emergent projects that grow out of the ecosystem.

  • Resources and support to create more time for you to do your art.

  • Discounts with partner brands for artist supplies, media and materials (both digital and analog).

  • A key to access an expansive network and an exclusive guild of angel investors who want to commission your art.









There are 9 types of biblical angels.

The journey begins with the Ophanim = Thrones

Most depictions of angels show a human figure with wings and a halo. However, in literature and ancient texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, angels take on many different forms. The “Ophanim,” or “Thrones,” are a class of angel who are depicted as four, eye-covered wheels (each composed of two nested wheels), that move beneath the throne of God.


We aim to unite artists around the world in the shared journey and mission of bringing more creativity into web3. It is our mission that every artist become the most conscious, considerate, and fortified version of themselves. This community is for activating your most expressed self, awakening your angels, and clearing your creative channels for divine inspiration to flow. It’s time for artists to receive the support they deserve. By banding together we can create ripples that reach the ends of this earth and touch the beginnings of a new one.

Long Hair, Do Care

Meet the two earth-loving artrepreneurs who are here to help you sit deeper into your throne.

  • Founder

    TWTR: @brianhoffstein

    I am a mystic of the mountains, valleys, deserts and plains; a lover of the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams; a friend of the numinous spirits, plants, critters and creatures of the earth; and a humble, sage steward of the sacred world. I have conducted and published research at Harvard’s Advanced Leadership initiative and contributed to a range of projects pioneering novel elements of technology, culture, and experience design.

  • Founder

    TWTR: @djw606

    An all-round creative, filmmaker, artist, musician, and web3 tinkerer. I have played with and been making NFTs since 2020, loved and lost tokens, traded and degen’ed, DeFi’ed and ReFi’ed and always love being sea-side. After years deep in the rabbit hole on blockchain, working with top 100 protocols on marketing and strategy, I’ve found a home in NFT culture - a place where I get to be an artist in support of connection and beauty and heart-space as duty, while helping others step further into their expression by building containers for community and experience. That we get to build in these ways that honor and steward nature through regenerative systems is the highest privilege - we can have fun cleaning up the mess and make art while we do it. This is, very much, the way.